- Mechanism
- Date
- Jun 1, 2013
- Full Recommendation
The Committee requests the State party to submit in a timely manner its third periodic report, prepared in accordance with the revised reporting guidelines of the Committee, adopted in 2008 (E/C.12/2008/2), by 31 May 2018.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- International treaties, reporting, data and non-compliance
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- Source Reference Info
- E/C.12/IRN/CO/2
- Date added
- Sep 17, 2020
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Aug 1, 1993
- Full Recommendation
Effective measures should be adopted to ensure the strictest observance of articles 7 and 10 of the Covenant. All complaints of extrajudicial executions, disappearances, torture and ill-treatment should be duly investigated, the culprits should be punished and measures should be taken to prevent any recurrence of such acts. Severe forms of punishment incompatible with the Covenant should be removed from law and practice and the conditions of detention of persons deprived of their liberty should be improved. The Committee also recommends that training courses should be organized for members of the police, the armed forces and the security forces as well as for other law enforcement officials, so as to better acquaint them with basic human rights principles and norms.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Enforced Disappearances
- Freedom from torture/CID treatment
- Liberty and Security of the person
- Prison Standards and Treatment for Prisoners
- Right to life
- Right to recognition as a legal person
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- Prisoners
- Source Reference Info
- CCPR/C/79/Add.25
- Date added
- Mar 19, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Aug 1, 1993
- Full Recommendation
The Committee recommends that active measures should be taken to enhance the status of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran in accordance with articles 2, 3 and 23 of the Covenant and to guarantee their equal enjoyment of rights and freedoms.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom from discrimination
- Demographics
- Women and Girls
- Source Reference Info
- CCPR/C/79/Add.25
- Date added
- Mar 19, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Aug 1, 1993
- Full Recommendation
The Committee also wishes to invite the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to undertake necessary steps to ensure that the rights enunciated in articles 17, 19, 21, 22 and 25 can be exercised without any limitations or restrictions other than those provided for in the Covenant.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom of expression
- Right to assembly & association
- Right to participate in public affairs and political life
- Right to Privacy
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- Source Reference Info
- CCPR/C/79/Add.25
- Date added
- Mar 19, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Aug 2, 1993
- Full Recommendation
The Committee recommends that domestic laws should be revised with a view to curtailing the number of offences currently punishable by the death penalty and to reducing the number of executions. Public executions should be avoided and the accused should, in all cases, be provided with all necessary guarantees, including the right to a fair trial as provided for under article 14 of the Covenant.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Protection of the child from all forms of violence
- Right to fair trial
- Right to life
- Demographics
- Children
- Source Reference Info
- CCPR/C/79/Add.25
- Date added
- Mar 19, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Aug 2, 1993
- Full Recommendation
The Committee recommends that Iranian legislation and practice be brought into line with the provisions of articles 9 and 14 of the Covenant, which provide that all persons should have the right to a fair trial, including the assistance of counsel, the right to be brought promptly before a judge and the right to be tried in public. Urgent consideration should also be given to the abolition of the Revolutionary courts.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Right to fair trial
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- Source Reference Info
- CCPR/C/79/Add.25
- Date added
- Mar 19, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Aug 2, 1993
- Full Recommendation
The Committee recommends that its recently adopted General comment No.22 (48) be studied by the authorities to bring its legislation and practice into line with the requirements of article 18 of the Covenant. In that regard, the Committee wishes to emphasize that recognition of a religion as a State religion should not result in any impairment of the enjoyment of any of the rights under the Covenant, including articles 18 and 27, nor in any discrimination against adherents of other religions or non-believers, since the right to freedom of religion and belief and the prohibition of discrimination do not depend on the recognition as an official religion or belief.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom from discrimination
- Freedom of religion and belief
- Right of everyone to participate in cultural life
- Demographics
- Religious, Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities
- Source Reference Info
- CCPR/C/79/Add.25
- Date added
- Mar 19, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should take steps to increase the number of women in decision- making and judicial bodies at all levels and in all areas. It should also organize special training programmes for women and regular awareness campaigns in this regard.
- Recommendation Status
- Partially Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom from discrimination
- Right to participate in public affairs and political life
- Right to work
- Demographics
- Women and Girls
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should amend the Civil Code and further amend the draft Family Protection Law, to (a) abolish the requirement for a father's or paternal grandfather's approval to legalize a marriage; (b) grant women equal rights to divorce; (c) award equal custody rights to the mother, including after a child reaches the age of seven or if she remarries; (d) award guardianship of a child to the mother in the case of the father's death; (e) grant women the same inheritance rights as men; (f) remove the legal obligation for a woman to be obedient to her husband; (g) remove the requirement for a husband's approval when a woman intends to leave the country; (h) prohibit polygamy; and (i) remove the power of a man to prohibit his wife from entering employment. The State party should also adopt legislation giving Iranian women the right to transmit their nationality to their children.
- Recommendation Status
- Partially Implemented
- Themes
- Family-related rights
- Freedom from discrimination
- Freedom of Movement
- Right to nationality
- Right to recognition as a legal person
- Right to work
- Demographics
- Migrants, Refugees and non-nationals
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should repeal or amend all legislation which provides for or could result in discrimination against, and prosecution and punishment of, people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It should ensure that anyone held solely on account of freely and mutually agreed sexual activities or sexual orientation should be released immediately and unconditionally. The State party should also take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to eliminate and prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, including with respect to access to employment, housing, education and health care, and to ensure that individuals of different sexual orientation or gender identity are protected from violence and social exclusion within the community. The Committee reaffirms that all of these matters fall entirely within the purview of the rights contained in the Covenant, and therefore within the Committee's mandate. It urges the State party to include detailed information on the enjoyment of Covenant rights by members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in its next periodic report.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Arbitrary Detention
- Freedom from discrimination
- International treaties, reporting, data and non-compliance
- Liberty and Security of the person
- Demographics
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should adopt legislation criminalizing domestic violence and take steps to effectively combat domestic violence. It should ensure that victims have immediate access to means of redress and protection, including through the establishment of a sufficient number of safe houses for victims. The State party should ensure that acts of domestic violence are effectively investigated and that perpetrators are prosecuted and sanctioned. The State party should also ensure that a husband is not exempted from punishment for voluntary manslaughter, in the event that he murders his wife on suspicion of adultery.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom from discrimination
- Gender based violence
- Right to fair trial
- Demographics
- Women and Girls
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 2, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should consider abolishing the death penalty or at least revise the Penal Code to restrict the imposition of the death penalty to only the "most serious crimes", within the meaning of article 6, paragraph 2, of the Covenant and the Committee's general comment No. 6 (1982) on the right to life. It should ensure that, whenever it is imposed, the requirements of articles 6 and 14 of the Covenant are fully met. It should also ensure that everyone sentenced to death, after exhaustion of all legal avenues of appeal, has an effective opportunity to exercise the right to seek pardon or commutation of sentence from the relevant authorities. The State party should furthermore prohibit the use of public executions, as well as stoning as a method of execution.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom from discrimination
- Protection of the child from all forms of violence
- Right to fair trial
- Right to life
- Demographics
- Children
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should immediately end the execution of minors, and further amend the draft juvenile crimes investigation act and the Bill of Islamic Criminal Code with the aim of abolishing the death penalty for crimes committed under the age of 18. The State party should also commute all existing death sentences for offenders on death row who had committed a crime while under the age of 18.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Right to life
- Demographics
- Children
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should ensure that an inquiry is opened in each case of alleged torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in detention facilities, and that the perpetrators of such acts are prosecuted and punished appropriately. It should ensure that effective reparation, including adequate compensation, is granted to every victim. The State party should also ensure that no one is coerced into testifying against themselves or others or to confess guilt and that no such "confession" is accepted as evidence in court, except against a person accused of torture or other ill-treatment as evidence that the "confession" or other statement was made.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom from torture/CID treatment
- Right to fair trial
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- Prisoners
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should urgently establish a full, impartial and independent investigation into allegations of killings, torture and other ill-treatment during and following the 12 June 2009 presidential elections, and prosecute those officials found responsible.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom from torture/CID treatment
- International treaties, reporting, data and non-compliance
- Right to fair trial
- Right to life
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- Prisoners
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should amend the Penal Code to abolish the imposition of corporal punishment by judicial and administrative authorities. The State party should also explicitly prohibit all forms of corporal punishment in child-rearing and education, including by repealing the legal defences for its use in article 1179 of the Civil Code, articles 49 and 59 of the Penal Code and article 7 of the Law on the Protection of Children.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Right to education
- Demographics
- Children
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should ensure that arrest warrants contain the names of the accused and are based on a judge's review of material evidence. It should also release detainees who have been held on the basis of general and blanket arrest warrants, in the absence of evidence.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Arbitrary Detention
- Liberty and Security of the person
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- Prisoners
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should take all necessary measures to ensure that pretrial detention is not excessively long in law and in practice, particularly through independent judicial supervision and prompt access to lawyers, in full compliance with article 9 of the Covenant. The State party should also take immediate steps to eliminate incommunicado detention, taking due care to ensure compliance in practice.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom from torture/CID treatment
- Liberty and Security of the person
- Right to fair trial
- Demographics
- Prisoners
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should take immediate steps to establish a system of regular and genuinely independent monitoring of places of detention, and ensure that conditions of detention conform to articles 7 and 10 of the Covenant, and to the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Treatment of Prisoners. It should also systematically include human rights training as a standard component of curricula, covering the topics of the prohibition of torture, effective interrogation techniques, conditions of detention and the treatment of detainees, in the training of law enforcement, prison and judicial officials.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Prison Standards and Treatment for Prisoners
- Demographics
- Prisoners
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should take steps to combat and prevent the trafficking and sale of persons under 18 years of age. The State party is also requested to provide the Committee in its next periodic report with statistics, on an annual basis, on the number of arrests and convictions under the 2004 law to combat trafficking.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- International treaties, reporting, data and non-compliance
- Demographics
- Children
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should ensure that all legal proceedings are conducted in full accordance with article 14 of the Covenant, including guaranteeing (a) the right to legal assistance of one's own choosing, including for pretrial detainees; (b) the right to be informed promptly of the nature and cause of the criminal charges; (c) the intervention and presence of lawyers in all cases, including during the investigation stage; (d) the presumption of innocence; (e) the right to a public hearing; and (f) the right to appeal a ruling. The State party should remove the mahdoor-ol-dam (deserving of death) definition, applied to victims, so as to ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted and brought to justice for their crimes. The Committee reminds the State party of its general comment No. 32 (2007) on the right to equality before courts and tribunals and to a fair trial.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Right to fair trial
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should take immediate steps to ensure and protect the full independence and impartiality of the judiciary, and guarantee that it is free to operate without pressure and interference from the executive power and clergy. The State party should also ensure that judges, in interpreting legislation and in relying on religious principles, do not reach verdicts that are in contravention of the rights and principles as laid down in the Covenant.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Right to fair trial
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should take steps to ensure full respect for the right to freedom of religion or belief, including ensuring that legislation and practices fully conform to article 18 of the Covenant. This also entails that the right of everyone to change his or her religion, if he or she so chooses, is unconditionally and fully guaranteed. The Committee also urges the State party to revoke article 225 of the draft Penal Code. The Committee recalls its general comment No. 22 (1993) on the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom of religion and belief
- Demographics
- Religious, Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should ensure full respect for the freedom of everyone, including members of the Baha'i community, to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his or her choice, and the freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest this religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching. The State party should take immediate steps to ensure that members of the Baha'i community are protected against discrimination in every field, that violations of their rights are immediately investigated, that those found responsible are prosecuted and that they are provided with effective remedies.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom from discrimination
- Freedom of religion and belief
- Demographics
- Religious, Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should guarantee the freedom to manifest a religion or belief and that it can be exercised either individually or in community with others and in public or private. The Committee reminds the State party that this right also entails the building of places of worship.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom of religion and belief
- Demographics
- Religious, Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should ensure that the right to freedom of assembly and association is guaranteed to all individuals without discrimination, and release immediately and unconditionally anyone held solely for the peaceful exercise of this right, including students, teachers, human rights defenders (including women's rights activists), lawyers and trade unionists. The State party should also ensure the prompt, effective and impartial investigation of threats, harassment, and assault on members of these groups, and, when appropriate, prosecute the perpetrators of such acts. The State party should also withdraw its draft Bill on the Establishment and Supervision of Non-Governmental Organisations, which would establish a Supreme Committee Supervising Non-Governmental Organisations' Activities, chaired by the Interior Ministry, including representatives from the Intelligence Ministry, the police, the Basij and the Revolutionary Guards Corps.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Arbitrary Detention
- Freedom from discrimination
- Liberty and Security of the person
- Right to assembly & association
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- HRDs, Journalists & Lawyers
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should fully guarantee the right to freedom of expression and opinion of independent media, and ensure that journalists can exercise their profession without fear of being brought before courts. The State party should release, rehabilitate and provide effective judicial redress and compensation for journalists imprisoned in contravention of articles 9 and 19 of the Covenant. The State party should also ensure that the monitoring of Internet use does not violate the rights to freedom of expression and privacy as defined in the Covenant. The Committee reminds the State party of its general comment No. 34 (2011) on article 19.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Arbitrary Detention
- Freedom of expression
- Liberty and Security of the person
- Right to Privacy
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- HRDs, Journalists & Lawyers
- Prisoners
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex with regard to the minimum age for marriage. It should also ensure that the minimum age complies with international standards and should adopt active measures preventing forced, early and temporary marriage of girls.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Child's right to be heard
- Freedom from discrimination
- Protection of children from sexual abuse
- Protection of the child from all forms of violence
- Demographics
- Children
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should introduce legislative amendments to ensure that articles 3 and 28, sections 1 and 3, of the Majlis Elections Act are in conformity with the rights guaranteed in article 25 of the Covenant. It should also take adequate steps to guarantee that elections are conducted in a free and transparent manner, in full conformity with the Covenant, including through the establishment of an independent electoral monitoring commission.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Free and fair election
- Freedom from discrimination
- International treaties, reporting, data and non-compliance
- Right to participate in public affairs and political life
- Demographics
- General Population, individual cases, miscellaneous
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021
- Mechanism
- Human Rights Committee
- Date
- Nov 1, 2011
- Full Recommendation
The State party should ensure that all members of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities enjoy effective protection against discrimination and are able to enjoy their own culture and use their own language in media and schools, participate in public affairs and are provided with effective remedies against discrimination.
- Recommendation Status
- Not Implemented
- Themes
- Freedom from discrimination
- Freedom of expression
- Right of everyone to participate in cultural life
- Right to participate in public affairs and political life
- Demographics
- Children
- Source Reference Info
- Date added
- Mar 22, 2021