readily available information that indicates that disaggregated data on children with disabilities is collected for the Welfare Organization’s annual statistics. There is no readily available information that might indicate that ministries share data among them. According to the Supplementary Response of the National Body on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (NBCRC) regarding the Concluding Observation on the Combined third and fourth periodic reports of the Committee on the Rights of the Child for the Islamic Republic of Iran,2 the NBCRC has set up a data collection system that collects information on “children in different circumstances, including studying children, educationally deprived children, street children, disabled children, law contracting children, children accompanying the women prisoners, their marriage status, etc.” Furthermore, the report claims that such data is accessible by the public and by private organizations to be used in planning, implementation, monitoring and assessment of their programs related to children. It is unclear whether this data is disaggregated and that it is shared among ministries to formulate, monitor and evaluate policies or whether the state has provided necessary human and financial funding to this data collection database. B. Strengthen its technical cooperation with, among others, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). While it is difficult to estimate whether Iran has increased its cooperation with UNICEF, recent developments reported by UNICEF on their web platform point to a number of cooperation commitments being undertake between the organization and the Iranian government, including joint action with the Ministry of Interior on the distribution of COVID-19 relief3, a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Sports and Youth4 and a similar agreement with the Statistical Center of Iran5, among other initiatives.6 7 Recommendation Status: This recommendation has been PARTIALLY implemented. 2 UNICEF: 4 UNICEF: 5 UNICEF: 6 UNICEF: 7 UNICEF: 3 2

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