about the outcome of such inspections. Additionally, there is no readily official and available information as to the number of complaints, their nature and whether they have been adequately investigated and adjudicated in compliance with international standards. There is no readily available information that might suggest that custodial staff has been investigated for cases of denial of medical care for detainees. Amnesty International has documented cases where he application of Article 502 has been arbitrarily denied and cases where political prisoners remaining in detention despite stateappointed doctors’ opinions that they were unfit to remain in prison and that their continued imprisonment would mean an exacerbation of their condition. 5 Additionally, UN Special Procedures have received numerous reports of deteriorating states of health of imprisoned human rights defenders who are at heightened risk of contracting COVID-19 while in detention, but who haven’t been temporarily released earlier in 2020 along the 120,000 prisoners, as part of the governmental strategy to mitigate the spread of the virus.6 7 More recently, the case of the detention of the human rights defender Mr. Arash Sadeghi suggests that the Islamic Republic of Iran does not ensure that all prisoners with health conditions, for whom staying in prison would mean an exacerbation of their condition, are not detained in prison. Mr. Arash Sadeghi,8 detained since 2016, was the subject of six communications from Special Procedures, raising concerns about his poor state of health while being held in detention.9 The Government only responded to four of them, and despite the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention’s Opinion in 2018, founding that Mr. Sadeghi is being arbitrarily deprived of his liberty, has not released Mr. Sadeghi as of November 2020. The most recent communication from Special Procedures raising concerns about Mr. Sadeghi’s lack of access to medical care was sent in September 2020 and, as of November 2020, has remained unanswered. Mr. Sadeghi suffers from a rare form of bone cancer, which caused the loss of movement of his right arm, and which UN Special Procedures believe to “appear to qualify him for medical furlough.”10 Mr. Sadeghi has been repeatedly denied access to medical care despite his worsening health condition. As of February 2021, Mr. Sadeghi has not been issued an alternative sentence despite his health condition. 5 See more: Amnesty International, https://www.amnesty.org/download/Documents/MDE1341962016ENGLISH.PDF OHCHR News, https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=26244 7 UN News, https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/10/1074722 8 United For Iran, https://ipa.united4iran.org/en/prisoner/1931/ 9 Special Procedures Communication sent to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 8 September 2020, UA IRN 21/2020, https://spcommreports.ohchr.org/TMResultsBase/DownLoadPublicCommunicationFile?gId=25522 10 Special Procedures Communication sent to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 8 September 2020, UA IRN 21/2020, https://spcommreports.ohchr.org/TMResultsBase/DownLoadPublicCommunicationFile?gId=25522 6 2

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