Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran A/HRC/37/68 para 78 Full recommendation: The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to demonstrate the political will to end the impunity of agents of the State who perpetrate violations of the human rights of individuals in the country. Assessment using Impact Iran human rights indicators1 The shortcomings of the Iranian legal framework leaves members of minorities in Iran without legal guarantees to fully enjoy their human rights, which is a guarantee that falls under one of Iran's international obligations. As such, the Iran legal framework grants wide impunity to agents of the State who violate the human rights of individuals in the country.2 3 In 2016, the Iranian High Council for Human Rights issued a booklet entitled “Some measures taken by the Islamic Republic of Iran on demands of ethnic groups, religious minorities and sects”.4 The same year, President Hassan Rouhani issued a Charter on Citizens’ Rights, a government-endorsed declaration providing guidance for the implementation of the principles, norms and laws stipulated in the Constitution. 5 In 2019, despite the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran noted that measures have been taken to improve the situation of minorities, he said that they “do not alter the fundamentally discriminatory nature of the Constitution, legislation and Islamic Penal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in particular in relation to the country’s unrecognised minority communities.”6 Despite the existence of several mechanisms that ostensibly accept complaints regarding violations of citizens' rights, such as the Parliament’s Article 90 Commission (established under Article 90 of the Constitution, offering a mechanism to citizens to file complaint against any of the three branches of power) and the Oversight Bodies for the exercise of Citizenship Rights in 1 CCPR.7.1.S.1 ; CCPR.14.1.S.2 ; CCPR.9.3.S.2 ; CCPR.9.1.S.3; CCPR.7.1.P.2 ; CCPR.14.1.P.3 ; CCPR.9.5.P.2; CCPR.7.1.O.2 ; CCPR.7.1.O.3 ; CCPR.14.1.O.5 ; CCPR.14.1.O.6 ; CCPR.14.1.O.8 ; CCPR.9.2.O.4. 2 See more : Joint submission to the Human Rights Committee from All Human Rights for All in Iran, Association for Human Rights in Kurdistan – Geneva, Association for the Human Rights of the Azerbaijani People in Iran, Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, OutRight International, Siamak Pourzand Foundation, Small Media, Impact Iran, 2020, https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/IRN/INT_CCPR_NGO_IRN_42317_E.pdf 3 See more : ARTICLE 19, Small Media, Human Rights Activists in Iran, Impact Iran, Human Rights Committee, 129th session (Geneva) 29 June – 24 July 2020, https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/IRN/INT_CCPR_ICS_IRN_42315_E.pdf 4 Ibid. 5 Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review Islamic Republic of Iran, 27 December 2019, https://undocs.org/A/HRC/43/12 6 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, 18 July 2019, https://documentsdds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N19/222/62/PDF/N1922262.pdf?OpenElement 1

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