Concluding Observations Committee on the Rights of the Child CRC/C/IRN/CO/3-4 para 90 Full recommendation: The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (see CRC/C/15/Add.254, para 71) that the State party take all appropriate legislative and administrative measures to prevent and eliminate this phenomenon [trafficking and sale of persons under the age of 18 years] and to ensure that traffickers are prosecuted, convicted and punished. Assessment using Impact Iran human rights indicators1 A. Take all appropriate legislative and administrative measures to prevent and eliminate trafficking and sale of persons under the age of 18 years In 2018, the Global Slavery Index reported that Iran is among the top 10 countries in terms of prevalence of modern slavery.2 According to the same source, Iran was one of 10 countries in which the government has taken the least action to combat modern slavery.3 Since 2004, the trafficking of persons under the age of 18 (hereafter “children”) has been criminalised in Iran with a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment.4 Article 1 of the AntiHuman Trafficking Law defines human trafficking while Article 2 defines acts that are considered human trafficking. The law prescribes an additional penalty if any State actor is involved in this crime or violates this law.5 The law is however only implemented when trafficked humans cross Iran’s border and is silent about human trafficking within Iran’s borders. Article 3 of this law imposes fines and prison terms ranging from 2 to 10 years. Note 1 of Article 3 of the law emphasiSed that if the victim was under 18 years of age, the maximum punishment could still be considered. However, this note was repealed in 2020 with the passage of a new Law on the Protection of Children and Adolescents (“Protection Law”).6 In Articles 12 and 13 of the Protection Law, child trafficking is considered a third-degree violation of the Islamic Penal Code, potentially attracting punishment in the form of fines and imprisonment between 10 to 15 years.7 1 CRC.33.1.S.2; CRC.35.1.S.1 CRC.33.1.P.1; CRC.35.1.P.1; CRC.35.1.P.3 CRC.30.1.O.1; CRC.33.1.O.1 2 In a 2018 report, Iran ranked 10th out of 167 countries. The report examined data on reported cases of individuals being bought and sold in public markets, forced to marry against their will, forced to work inside clandestine factories on the promise of a salary that is often withheld, or in an unhealthy work environment. It also looks at State policies and action to combat related crimes. 3 Iran ranked as the fifth top country in this matter. 4 Anti-Human Trafficking Law, adopted July 18, 2004; 5 Ibid. 6 Law on the Protection of Children and Adolescents, adopted on May 12, 2020: 7 Article 19 of Islamic Penal Code. 1

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