Concluding Observations Human Rights Committee CCPR/C/IRN/CO/3 para 32 Full recommendation: In accordance with rule 71, paragraph 5, of the Committee’s rules of procedure, the State party should provide, within one year, relevant information on its implementation of the Committee’s recommendations made in paragraphs 9, 12, 13 and 22 above. Assessment The follow-up procedures enable the Human Rights Committee to monitor more closely the implementation of some of the recommendations that the Committee considers urgent and implementable within one year. The Special Rapporteur for Follow-up on Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee sent two letters, one on 24 May 2013,1 the other on 2 December 2013,2 requesting the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to provide further information on the specific areas of concerns of recommendations made in paragraphs 9, 12, 13 and 22 (originally due in November 2012). As both letters remained unanswered and as the fourth periodic report of the Islamic Republic of Iran was due in November 2014, the follow-up procedure was discontinued by the Human Rights Committee.3 Recommendation Status: This recommendation has NOT been implemented. 1 3 Annual/Sessional report A/69/40 (VOL I) 2

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