Concluding Observations Committee on the Rights of the Child CRC/C/IRN/CO/3-4 para 14 Full recommendation: The Committee recommends that the State party take measures to ensure that the State party’s policies, strategies and plans of action address in particular the rights of children in disadvantaged and marginalized situations, are aimed at providing them with equal opportunities in all areas of life and at improving their situation, and are supported with sufficient human, technical and financial resources. Assessment using Impact Iran human rights indicators1 A. The State party should take measures to ensure that the State party’s policies, strategies and plans of action address in particular the rights of children in disadvantaged and marginalized situations and are aimed at providing them with equal opportunities in all areas of life and at improving their situation According to Article 3 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the State “has the duty of directing all its resources to”, among other goals, “free education and physical training for everyone and at all levels”. Article 30 stipulates that “The government must provide all citizen with free education up to secondary school”. Article 43 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran provides that the economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran shall be based on providing essential needs to all its citizens, including education.2 In its National Report to the Universal Periodic Review in 2019, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran reiterated that under Iranian law “all persons under the age of 18, with no or bad guardian, regardless of religion, ethnicity and nationality, shall enjoy health care, education, medical treatment, subsistence and custodian services” and that “disadvantaged refugee and immigrant children are under the cover of free welfare services”. Such protections enshrined into law provides a framework for State’s policies, strategies and plans of action which should ensure their implementation. However, the State has taken only limited steps to ensure that its policies, strategies and plans of action address in particular the rights of children in disadvantaged and marginalized situations. 1 CRC.28.1.S.1; ESCR.13.2.S.1 ESCR.13.2.P.17 CRC.28.1.O.7; ESCR.13.2.O.5; ESCR.13.2.O.19 2 Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, English translation, 1

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