In 2014, a Judiciary’s circular listed the most common complaints against judges and numerous due process violations.25 These included unlawful arrest, failure to renew temporary detention orders within the prescribed time, failure to render decisions within the prescribed time, ruling prior to the conclusion of investigation and trial, issuing decisions in courts of original jurisdiction without convening a trial session, issuance of “unfounded and undocumented” rulings, issuing rulings outside the scope of the complaint, and unpleasant, inappropriate, and insulting conduct.26 There is little transparency regarding these complaints and their outcome. At times, they are not considered at all. During the Iranian year 1395 (March 20, 2016 –March 19, 2017), Iran’s General Inspection office received 30,315 complaints. During the 2009 post-election protests, the majority of individuals arrested were held incommunicado with no access to legal representation and without having charges brought against them for long periods of time. According to Amnesty International, the families of the arrestees were not notified of their arrest, and in instances where they were notified, details about their loved ones’ whereabouts or about the possibility of visitations were not revealed by authorities.27 Most of the detainees were released by December 2009, yet some, including political prisoners and important opposition figures remained in jail until well after that date due to long sentences. Such figures include Behzad Nabavi, a reformist MP and member of the Mujahedin of the Islamic Revolution Party, who was only released in 2014 after serving a sentence of 6 years.28 Another prominent member of the reformist party, Mohsen Mirdamdi was similarly sentenced to 6 years and released on bail in 2010.29 30 Recommendation status: This recommendation has NOT been implemented 25 Joint submission to the Human Rights Committee from the Abdorrahman Boroumand Center, Iran Human Rights Document Center, Impact Iran and Human Rights Activists in Iran, 2020, 26 Abdorrahman Boroumand Center, 27 Amnesty International, Iran – Election Contested, Repression Compounded, December 2009. 28 Payvand News: 29 Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty: 30 For more, please see: Amnesty International, Iran – Election Contested, Repression Compounded, December 2009. 4

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