Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences E/CN.4/2006/61/Add.3 para 74 (d) Full recommendation: To prioritise the elimination of violence against women as a public policy issue and to prevent, investigate and punish all acts of violence against women, whether perpetrated by private or State actors, it is recommended that the Government: Conduct a full investigation into suicides of young women and their relationship to diverse forms of violence against women, to design preventive and protective measures to address these suicides, and to prevent the development of prejudice in public opinion that would revictimize survivors of suicide attempts and/or their families; Assessment using Impact Iran human rights indicators1 The Government of the Islamic Republic has not conducted a comprehensive investigation into the issue of women's suicide and its relationship to violence against women, or if it has, it has not published any reports or investigations in this regard. From time to time, an official announces statistics in an interview or seminar, but a full report on the content of such research is not available to the public.2 However, some universities, academics, or students publish research on this topic occasionally.3 One of the most commonly cited statistics in such research is the quarterly and annual statistics of the Forensic Medicine Organization of Iran, which in some cases include suicide statistics.4 For example, this data shows an annual growth of 5% in overall suicide statistics (both male and female).5 Statistics show that the number of suicides among women is higher than men, and these statistics are higher in under-developed areas of the country than elsewhere.6 Recommendation Status: This recommendation has NOT been implemented. 1 CCPR.2.3.S.1; CCPR.3.1.S.1; CCPR.7.1.S.1; CCPR.2.3.P.1; CCPR.3.1.P.2; CCPR.3.1.O.4; CCPR.3.1.O.1 Radio Zamaneh’s report: < https://www.radiozamaneh.com/222187 > 3 See these academic essays: <https://hayat.tums.ac.ir/article-1-218-fa.pdf > and <http://sjfm.ir/article-1-590-fa.pdf > and < http://ensani.ir/fa/article/90485 > 4 Statistics of the Forensic Medicine Organization: < https://www.lmo.ir/ > 5 Radio BBC Persian:< https://www.bbc.com/persian/blog-viewpoints-53764630 > 6 Radio Zamaneh’s report: < https://www.radiozamaneh.com/106294 > 2 1

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